Hair Laser

Excessive Hair

Hirsutism is a condition that is linked to hormones called androgens and can happen if the level of these hormones increases or if your body becomes more sensitive to them.




How does it work & Benefits

Laser hair removal aims to prevent hair growth in some areas of the body where hair growth is not desired for cosmetic reasons, or for the purpose of treating excess hair, as laser treatment works to prevent hair growth by damaging its follicles.


Laser hair removal treatment relies on targeting melanin cells, which leads to the disintegration of hair follicles, and delays the growth of new hair in the area exposed to radiation.

It is important to know that laser treatment does not guarantee that hair will stop growing completely, but it helps to significantly reduce the amount of hair that grows

Pre & Post


• No direct sun exposure for at least 1 week before the treatment.
• No henna to be applied on extremities or tanning sprays.
• No steaming, Moroccan bath, or scrubbing to be done before treatment.
• Do not apply medicated creams 3 days before the treatment.
• Patient should have the skin shaved 3 days before the treatment.


• No tanning or direct sun exposure for at least 2 weeks.
• No strenuous exercise or activity after the laser procedure for at least 12 hours and until the redness subsided.
• No saunas, steaming, and heat-related treatments for at least 3 days after the laser procedure.
• No deep exfoliation such as Moroccan bath, scrubbing, or Hammam within 1 week after the procedure.
• No waxing, epilator, tweezing, or electrolysis to be done on the area being treated.


Results last with good maintenance

Side Effects

Excessive Hair